Friday, January 07, 2005

toot sweet huh?

So there I was just chilling and watching chitty, chitty bang bang, I had never watched it before now, I thought watching a kids movie (at nineteen just four days before my birthday) would be a great thing to do over Christmas vacation. I have to say though the little dude with the big nose is scary as all get out, you know the one who hates kids, anyone who may be reading this, which would probably just include members of my immediate family... have probably already seen this movie and know what I’m talking about, but those who don’t have had a “chitty, chitty bang bang” deprived childhood... wow, the movie just keeps getting worse and worse, the scary man in the ugly suit is trying to lure the children into his cruel paddy-wagon with lollipops and ice cream, that’s just a crying shame... what kind of sick person makes this up? It’s definitely my pick for favourite movie of the week. Speaking of favourite movies I watched “The Little Troll Prince” in honour of Christmas of course, while we were taking down the Christmas tree, boy did that bring back memories... I am going to finish watching the rest of this “classic”... wow!


Blogger swITCHFUTgUY said...

hey what's up......nice banner; it looks hott. I just wanted to say that I Love the troll prince too!!!!!

12:28 PM  
Blogger samara said...

hey i love chitty chitty bang bang and "The Little Troll Prince" to!!! there the best movies ever made-lol- luv ya always hun

7:39 PM  

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