childhood aspirations...
all right, it has finally snowed a suitable amount for this time of the year, I guess the blizzard really helped out with that... I am super happy about the snow, not so much the cold though, right now it's minus twenty-one! (mind you that is in celsius, not fahrenheit) I went snowboarding last night, it was rocking, there was hardly anyone there, which could be because the blizzard made the roads treacherous not to mention hard to drive on... yeah so I parked at the bottom of the "mountain" so I wouldn't have to go up a hill that was so icy, slippery, and covered in like two feet of snow... so I pulled into the parking lot that had accumulated that much snow or more instead, needless to say, although I will say it anyhow (which sort of makes needless to say a needless expression) in any case it was sort of difficult to park. So now all I have to do is cross the road, go up a little bit of a hill and under the fence that keeps you from going out onto the road and then up the lift, the funny part is on the way back it had snowed so much that it was really deep, I didn't realize how deep it really was until I got up to my knees, then I went a step further and I was up to my thighs, ( I was getting a sinking feeling...) then came the critical step of the whole evening I took one more step and I was chest deep in snow, the snowboard that I was once carrying was now laying nicely on top of the snow staring me in the face. ( I apparently had found a ditch of some sort.) All I did was sort of stand there, if you could call it that, in the snow and just laugh... (I had to wonder if anyone was watching me and how I would react if I had just seen someone disappear out of thin air...)you can say that that incident sort of fulfilled a childhood dream of it snowing so much that I could jump out of my second story window right into the snow, although in my delusion I had never thought of how to get out if one did find themselves in snow over their head... nevertheless I did indeed find a way out and am safely reunited with my computer... I still wish it would snow at least six feet but I am ok with frolicking in snow-filled ditches for now, well, have a fun day in the snow, I know I will! :)
nice post........I love how most of this stuff is sooo random....nice site...nice banner, it's hott lookin'.
Hey sheena It's Sarah Oddo .....just saying hi and wow that must have been an amazing experience i think that i would like to do that but yet again that seems just a little to daring for me lol well heres my sn if ya wanna chat sometime ...i cant believe it before i know it my freshman year will be over its so cool! well im me if ya have a chance okay hope all is well! :)
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