fire in the hole!
Ok, I’m not going to lie anymore, I feel horrible, I have this killer cold/flu/sickness in which I feel like I’ve been run over by a bus or a rather large truck, I can barely breath, my nose is acting like a waterfall, I’ve been through a whole box of tissues and it is now rawer than a baby who has chronic diaper rash, it feels like the underworld has taken up residence in my throat, I’m scared to open my mouth for fear that I will breathe fire and torch whatever I’m looking at and to make matters worse I have a whole bunch of projects that I need to do in order to pass my classes... Then I hear this knock at the door, I “say come in" the best that I can which is 75 decibels too low for me to hear let alone anyone else... so I get up to go to the door in my ailing state of mind as I get up, my body starts screaming at me “sit down now you dimwit, what are you doing, just pretend that you aren’t here!!!” So I ignore my body’s pleading and answer the door and this cute little girl is standing there and asks me “do you want to buy some Girl Guide cookies?” (and no, I am not joking) I reply, sounding like Darth Vader with a cold, and tell her “I’m sick, and I don’t feel like eating any cookies.” Now, I feel even worse scaring a kid with that kind of voice and then not buying any cookies to boot, so I include the fact that my roommate should be back later and you can ask her... ;) Afterwards I started thinking wow if that kid had been selling cough drops and tissues by the pallet I may have jumped at the offer... Have you ever been sick and had the chills and the opposite of the chills all at the same time? I don’t recommend it at all, I’m tingly all over, supersensitive to everything and I just want to go home. Last night I couldn’t get warm until I took a really hot shower, then put two pairs of pants on and a sweatshirt with the hood up then warmed up a heat pack thing and hugged that until I stopped shivering, my mother would be proud though: I drank like 367 gallons of water in the past two days to “wash the sickness out of my system” (actually the real reason was that my throat felt drier than the Sahara desert) lol, so you can imagine how many times I woke up in the middle of the night, I have only had lunch the past two days because my ear kills when I chew, the only thing that is good about having a fever is that all I have to do to warm up my ice cube hands is to put them on my burning forehead. You may be like, dude, that is way more info than I wanted to know but oh well, you had the choice to read this junk or not, and no, I’m not going to mention the fact that I haven’t posted in a while... oops... never mind, just 21 more days til I go home...
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