Tuesday, April 03, 2007

testing, testing...

I did it!!! once again I cracked the secret code that is my password, so now if I feel so inclined I can blog here. If you want to keep up to date on what has happened the past year that I have neglected this thing you can check out www.liketohelp.com this is a site where I wrote random stuff about my internship in Suriname. I have actually neglected to write on this site also for about the past three months so any news you hear there will be old news.

In more recent news, I tried to give blood today but was told not to come back for a year because I was in a country where malaria was a problem and they didn't want my blood due to the possibility that I may have contracted it. This was a little annoying as they had already pricked my finger by this point but I was told that my blood pressure was excellent, my iron was good, and I have good blood-giving veins so I am planning a trip for the new year so if anyone would like to accompany me in giving the gift of life, let me know. Well, I'm going to stop here because I am being summoned by my bed which has been neglected for the past couple weeks.

and yes I know this is a lame post, but you have to start somewhere right?